Website Registration Instructions
Congratulations! We are so glad you are joining REX!
In order to be eligible to sign-up for classes, there are a number of steps that must be followed, and forms that must be completed and submitted.
1. Join the website. Please click on the Join link at the top of the website to begin the registration process. Fill out all the required information for your family and your students. Pay particular attention to all parts of the Family Contract. This will include links to the REX Statement of Faith, the REX Policy Handbook, and the required Emergency Medical Authorization Form. You may fill this out online during this registration process.
Forms collected through website registration:
2. Pay the Website Fee. At the end of the online registration process, you will be able to pay the required $10 annual website fee.
Fees: All REX fees are non-refundable and due within 30 days of billing unless otherwise noted. A late fee of $15 per family will be charged for insurance if not received within 7 days of the due date. A returned check fee of $30 will also apply.
- Family Website Fee – All families are required to pay a $10 annual fee to cover the cost of Homeschool-Life web hosting. Payment of this fee is required before a class registration day is assigned.
3. Pay the Family Website Fee and Student Registration Fees. These fees must be paid before you sign-up for classes.
4. Sign up for classes. Once all completed forms and fees are received, you will receive an email with your class registration date.